We all experience toxicity in our lives, whether from family, good friends, or work. It is safe to say that we all face toxic people at some point in our lives. Some people experience toxicity every day, and others experience it at a less frequent rate.

Sometimes, it can make you feel like you are drowning in a pool of toxicity. Toxic relationships, work, even friendships. It is taxing from the beginning, and it is exhausting to trudge through. It is stressful on your mental, emotional, and even physical selves. Toxic people, situations, or chemicals can put you into an emotionally unhealthy place.

Toxic people, environments, and situations can make life extremely challenging. But before you become overwhelmed and feel like giving up, there is good news! You can take control of your life and begin to distance yourself from everyone and anything toxic.

Remember, it is hard to move on from toxic relationships, but doing so is necessary for a healthy and happy life. Toxic relationships can cause you pain, stress, and anxiety, but the good news is you do not have to stay in them. To reduce stress and anxiety, you can look for solutions such as full spectrum or broad spectrum CBD (learn more about full spectrum CBD vs broad spectrum CBD by researching online blogs), which have their own benefits, however, it is not a permanent solution for managing a toxic relationship.

But they can offer you relief for a few good hours, helping your mind overcome the dreading thoughts of misery caused by stress and anxiety from your toxic relationship. The cannabinoid present in cannabis can stimulate the endocannabinoid system. It can influence major hormones, including cortisol (the stress hormone), which is the primary reason for marijuana being cited as a natural treatment option for anxiety. Cannabis comes in different forms like dry herbs (think aaaaa weed), concentrates, waxes, capsules, shatters, gummies, oils, and tinctures, among others. You can make use of them by ingesting, inhaling, applying them topically, or absorbing them sublingually.

How should you handle a toxic relationship?

There are a million and one ways to deal with toxic people in your life, but the healthiest thing you can do for yourself is to very calmly and rationally make a plan to let them go. Toxic people are draining and unhealthy for you and for everyone else around you. Do not just passively tolerate them-make a plan to find healthier relationships. Distancing yourself from them is the right thing to do as you can start to build better relationships with a healthier mindset.

We pretend that the toxic behavior is okay. There are times when we just pretend that everything is okay and well. Some of us think that they will magically change. But it will not.

Toxic behaviors come in many forms, from bullying to lying, to substance abuse. People may say they are not that bad, but their actions say otherwise. Some people who are toxic to others may claim to be loving, caring, or caring people; they are the overly affectionate friend who tells you how much they care, but their actions and words do not match.

All these situations can be overwhelming. None of us prepared to deal with a toxic person unless we meet one. There are times it will feel like taking help can not change anything in your life. But that is far from truth. You can take a professional help or even talk to someone who you trust. Small actions like this can help you stay strong. You can take natural medications for instant relaxation as well. There are different range of CBD products as mentioned above that can help you with alleviating stress symptoms. You could explore on online websites here and see what is your best fit.

However, it is no secret that having a toxic person in your life can be difficult to navigate. Do you ever feel like you are drowning in life? Like you are constantly fighting off negativity, stress, and toxicity? You are not alone, as many people feel this same way on a daily basis. That is why making a plan to leave and forge a better non-toxic environment is essential.

You could look at speaking to them one on one and going over your feelings about what has been going on with you, and if they do not listen and take onboard how you are feeling, then you might want to tell them that, for your own mental health, you are going to walk away from this friendship/relationship to work on yourself.

You may want to do it in a public place with plenty of people around to stop any chance of an outburst from the person, or bring along a friend of yours for support so you can feel motivated to say something and have a backup just in case you find yourself getting sucked back in.

We live in a toxic world, and it impacts us in many different ways. Not only does our environment affect us, but so can our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. But being flooded with stress, anxiety, and depression does not have to mean that you are doomed to live with them forever. You can find ways through which you can calm your feelings. For instance, you can consider using cannabis based products such as light shatter (from low price buds or similar cannabis dispensaries) or CBD oil that can help reduce anxiety and depression. Such products can have a relaxing effect on the mind which helps the emotions to come to a neutral state.

That said, the solution is not necessarily to drown your problems away, either, as that is only a temporary fix to what is causing the toxicity in the first place. Instead, it is time to bring light to toxicity so you can deal with it and turn it all around for good.

People who show this kind of behavior can be extremely challenging to deal with, and exhausting to be around. If you work with them or for them, you can never know what kind of behavior to expect from them from one day to the next. It can be hard to avoid them in a work environment where constant communication is required.

Although, the good news is that you do not have to take their behavior personally. When you see or hear them do something negative towards you, remember that their behavior may be the result of something in their own lives, not about you. However, if it is affecting you daily then you need to be proactive, whether that is raising an issue with HR, looking for a new job, telling a friend that you need to take a step back, or distancing yourself from a family member for a while.

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